Categories: Technology

Why Integrating Your Marketing and Advertising Departments Is Important

In your company, you likely have a marketing department and an advertising department. Each serves an essential role in furthering your reach. In fact, there’s a fair amount of similarity in what each department does. Enough that you should strongly consider combining the two or at least encouraging them to work together. The thought of combining marketing and advertising may cause you to ask, aren’t they the same thing?

The answer is, kind of. Advertising is what you are doing when you promote your company and its products or services through paid channels like TV, radio, print, and digital platforms. Marketing is a broader term that involves advertising but also encompasses market research, identifying customer needs, developing products, and much more. Knowing that, you can understand why these two departments work so well together and see why they shouldn’t be siloed. In this article, you’ll learn why combining these departments is beneficial.

Create Ads That Look Less Like Ads

Most people are pretty confident that they know when they’re being advertised to. Ads are salesy and often gimmicky — except when they aren’t. When created with marketing strategies in mind, ads can be hard to spot. A native advertising agency, for example, can take advantage of marketing and advertising trends to create campaigns. By understanding the nuances of different platforms and consumer behavior, they can design campaigns that seamlessly blend in.

Bringing those areas of expertise together means your team can craft ads that look like the other content you produce. Doing this can increase the number of interactions with your ads since they’ll be more relevant to your audience. People won’t feel like they’re being blatantly advertised to, instead they’ll perceive the content as valuable and engaging. This approach cultivates a more authentic relationship with your audience, encouraging trust, meaningful interactions, and better overall results for your campaigns.

Demonstrate Consistent Brand Image and Identity

Crafting content that looks like it was all made by the same person is a major marketing goal. You want to demonstrate brand consistency because that’s how your customers recognize you. Maybe you’re the brand with the blue logo or the quirky social media. Whatever your “thing” is, you want it to show through your brand’s voice. You want to be immediately recognizable.

Being that recognizable is impossible if you’re putting forth disjointed efforts. Your ads may use robust and persuasive language, while your marketing content takes a softer, friendly approach. This can cause brand confusion. When your advertising and marketing efforts are combined, confusion is reduced. Important decisions about your identity can be discussed as a team. You’ll have a unified group working toward the same goal. When everyone is on the same team, and the same page, they’ll send consistent messages across all platforms.

Diversify Types of Content

Be greedy in how you want to get word out about your company. You may want a pop-up ad, a blog, and a flyer, as well as emails, commercials, and social posts. The more ways you can get the word out about your company, the better. While you can get a good variety of content with separated marketing and advertising departments, they’ll tend to “stay in their lanes.” To avoid conflict, the departments will create rules about what content can be produced by whom.

Take down these silos and take advantage of what your creatives can do when you integrate marketing and advertising. Marketing will no longer own your social media, opening up the opportunity to boost posts or place social ads. Advertising could be encouraged to incorporate a soft sell into content on your website. You won’t have to pick between organic, earned media, and paid media. Instead, you’ll be able to create a more holistic plan for reaching customers.

Increase Effectiveness of Reach

When you have a broader plan for reaching your customers, it only makes sense that you are more effective as well. As mentioned earlier, marketing can show you who your perfect customer is. Advertising helps you sell them what they need. It makes sense that you’ll see better results when these two ways of thinking are combined into a holistic strategy.

Currently, your marketing team may be more focused on storytelling and your ad team may just prioritize selling. Neither department is wrong in their approach, but it can cause gaps in your outreach to customers. Your ads won’t be telling the same story, and your marketing may lose sight of your sales goal. As a combined team, they can communicate about what approach to take to attract, engage, and keep customers. They may also come up with a new approach that’s the best of both worlds.

Keeping your current customers happy and finding ways to engage new ones are the goals that should drive your business. They are also two reasons you should integrate your marketing and advertising departments. While their efforts are just fine when divided, bringing them together amplifies the work they do.

Reaching customers through ads and other content can be difficult. By combining your marketing and advertising departments, you’re maximizing their effectiveness. You’ll also be able to be more authentic in your promotions. This enhanced authenticity can result in stronger leads and a more cohesive company.

