
How To Use Finishers In Apex Legends Mobile?

Respawn recently launched Apex Legends Mobile on Android and iOS, which quickly became one of the most popular mobile games out there. The game brings the typical Apex Legends experience to mobile with fast-paced and exciting gunplay. What makes Apex Legends Mobile different from the PC and console versions is its brand-new perk system. The perk system lets you upgrade the existing character abilities to make them even more dangerous. It also adds a whole new layer to the shooter and makes it even more rewarding. Here’s everything you need to know about the Apex Legends perk system:

Some Legends may have more finishers than others, but you’ll usually be able to unlock up to two more legendary finishers through Apex Crates – or craft them with Apex Legends crafting metal – for every Legend. Each one is unique, so pick your favourite and you can start busting a move on downed enemies too.

Apex Legends – Every Finisher available so far

Each Legend starts off with their “First Finisher”, which is available to everyone from the beginning of the game. However, the rest – all of which are considered Legendary – will be gated off, unlocked by spending 1200 Crafting Materials (found in Apex Crates obtained upon ranking up) on each.

Most Legends have three Finishers, but Bangalore and Mirage only have two, though hopefully Respawn plans to flesh them out with a third sometime in the future. Below, you’ll find a list of every Finisher for each Legend, with our own description of what they look like in action.

Use finishers carefully

One thing you should be aware of when considering execution is that it leaves your own character temporarily exposed. You have no defenses while you’re executing and can easily be taken out by other players. I have lost a match several times like this. Even when you look to see who else is around, think it’s safe and initiate the finisher, it seems someone comes out of a building or from behind a rock and shoots.

That makes execution risky but also even more rewarding!

The execution move is slow and deliberate and throughout all that time, you are vulnerable to fire. Once you begin the finisher, you’re a passenger until the animation is complete or you are interrupted by taking fire.

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